walking to lose weight

Easily Lose Weight by Walking

Walking or Running? Which one is better for weight loss. If you clicked on this article, then you should probably tell which one is the right answer. Many people don’t know this, but you can Easily Lose Weight by Walking. People think that obviously running is better for weight loss, but that is not the case.

Below I am going to break down why walking is better than running for weight loss and why its such a controversial topic. The reason why it is such a controversial topic is of the energy in and energy out theory that has dictated the science of weight loss for centuries now. In order to lose weight, you need to be on a calorie defecit. To be in a calorie deficit, you need to consume less calories than you need. To further illustrate, if you need 1500 calories for maintainence and you burned 400 calories today exercising, then you need to eat less than 1900 calories to be on a calorie deficit.

Over time, that theory has been debunked and the actual way to lose weight is based off of hormones. The hormone profile varies depending on what people eat. For example, if someone enters starvation mode, then their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) goes down. Even if you are starving, your weight will not go down.

One of the hornones released while running is Cortisol. This hormone is normally released when you are stressed. It is also released when you are doing exercises that are performing exercises that are excessive cardio intensive exercises like running. Cortisol contributes to slowing down in metabolism, which slows down energy processes in your body. This means it takes a longer time for your energy to use the energy you consume and will instead turn it into fat. That is why walking is better than running in terms of fat loss.

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